'The Boys' avisa a la audiencia antes del final de temporada: "Cualquier parecido con la realidad es coincidencia"
'The Boys' warns the audience before the season finale: "Any resemblance to reality is a coincidence"
The creators have issued a disclaimer regarding the incredible resemblance of the fiction to the recent assassination attempt on Donald Trump.
The aim of The Boys when it comes to reflecting the current political tension is overwhelming. But now, apparently, the series is also capable of predicting the future. The finale of the fourth season of the show has just been released on Amazon Prime Video and considering the current political situation in the United States, and the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump, viewers will notice certain important changes when they go to watch the last episode of the season.
After the recent incident, where Trump was shot during a rally in Pennsylvania this past Saturday and suffered an ear injury, the season finale of The Boys had to change its title and the creators were forced to release a statement on the day of the premiere.
The eighth episode was going to be titled Assassination Run - which in Spanish refers to something similar to Murder Run -, but everything that happened with Trump forced a name change. Additionally, at the beginning of the same episode, there is also a warning for the viewer.
On the other hand, the platform has also issued a statement through their social media. "The season finale of The Boys contains scenes of fictional political violence, which some viewers may find disturbing, especially considering the injuries and tragic loss of life suffered during the assassination attempt on former President Trump," it begins.
"The Boys is a fictional series that was filmed in 2023, and any similarity of a scene or plot with these real-world events is a coincidental coincidence and unintentional. Amazon, Sony Pictures Television, and the producers of The Boys reject violence of any kind," it concludes.
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