Prime Video chains a powerful release after another and following Carles Tamayo's fantastic true crime, the platform has just added to its catalog En fin, the new series created by David Sainz (Malviviendo) and Enrique Lojo, starring José Manuel Poga and Malena Alterio, among others. Set on the day the apocalypse was supposed to arrive, the series introduces us to Tomás (José Manuel Poga) as he wakes up hungover in the middle of an orgy at a well-known shopping center. Months ago, faced with news of the end of the world, he abandoned his wife Julia (Malena Alterio) and his daughter Noa (Irene Pérez) without looking back. But when the wandering planet that was meant to collide with Earth passes by and the world keeps spinning, Tomás realizes the magnitude of his mistake. Now he will try to reclaim his past life and seek forgiveness from his family, aiming to reconstruct a world that will never be the same after the non-apocalypse. To mark the series premiere, EL ESPAÑOL spoke with the creators David Sainz and Enrique Lojo, as well as with the leads José Manuel Poga and Malena Alterio. They discuss immersing themselves in this bizarre story, the inspiration behind the locations, the background of the series' aesthetic, and their visions of the end of the world. The starting point "If you notice, red is a color that represents danger," comments David Sainz. "And if you notice, when the planet is closer, in the first episode, it bathes everything in that color. But gradually it moves away, because in reality, the planet passes by. But, in reality, each character has a different color palette. Because I really like playing with colors." Then, they talked about the sources of inspiration for this new series. "Barry is there, for how it mixes comedy with action," Lojo pointed out. "Yes, almost all the episodes refer to something, then we try to turn it around maybe, but everything is a nod to some movie, series, or book we like," Sainz agreed. Multiple generations To finish, both the creators of En fin and the actors discussed the end of the world itself, wondering if the apocalypse will be brought about by people or if it will be a macabre joke as shown in the series, where it never seems to arrive. "Poco a poco nos lo estamos ganando. Quiero decir, en esta sociedad consumista capitalista que no para de producir y consumir... Es como una olla a presión que en algún momento... No sé si lo veré yo, si lo verán mis nietos... Aunque también es cierto que según me voy haciendo mayor veo como que no hay fin", thought Malena Alterio. "I'm more hopeful in that regard. Maybe because I have a kid and I try to plan for their future and I want to be optimistic," José Manuel Poga responded. "But I think there is more awareness. Bit by bit, there is more awareness, at least from the neighborhood, of more responsible consumption. The thing is complicated, but I try to remain hopeful." Finally, Enrique Lojo wanted to contribute his perspective. "I am convinced that in the end the Apocalypse is a state of the soul. We will be the ones to formulate it, and perhaps some will not suffer it because they do not want to, and others will deny it, without a doubt." 'En fin' is available on Amazon Prime Video.

Malena Alterio: "Para entender 'En fin' vi 'Malviviendo', y me gustó ese humor surrealista que te desconcierta"