La impactante revelación de 'The Boys' sobre Patriota: ¿cuál es su mayor debilidad?
Amazon Prime Video 'The Boys'

The shocking revelation of 'The Boys' about Homelander: what is his biggest weakness?

The protagonist of the Prime Video series left a very bloody and revealing scene that speaks of his origins.

27 June, 2024 18:23

After having seen the evolution of Patriota in The Boys throughout its first seasons, viewers will know - in part thanks to the flashbacks - that his origins are very tragic. Since the series has wanted to delve into this as well, delving deeper into his history through a very impactful scene in the fourth season.

Specifically, episode 4 of season 4 reveals the mystery behind the character and exposes how his childhood was. In that chapter, Patriota (Antony Starr) visits a laboratory and there he reunites with the scientists who experimented on him for years.

What happens next is a slaughter similar to what we are used to seeing in The Boys, which leads to revealing some secrets about his past. Something that helps us understand why he ended up becoming the ruthless being we know.

The evolution of Patriota

Patriota in season 4 of 'The Boys'

Patriota in season 4 of 'The Boys'

Since we first met Patriota, it has always been clear that he is someone ruthless and deep down has a superhuman need for affection and approval. In fact, in the mentioned episode, Barbara, the scientist in charge of Patriota's development, reveals that Vought identified this trait and recruited the world's best psychologists to design something to control this part of Patriota.

This means that, in reality, this part of Patriota's personality was created by Vought's own people during his childhood. Thus, feeling so lonely and abandoned, Patriota would try to compensate for this void with other things, such as through his loyalty to the wrong people. Revealing where Patriota's character comes from shows us a side of him we did not know and helps us as viewers see him in a different light.

Now we know that Vought not only made the serious mistake of creating a superhero with the power to destroy humanity, but it also inflicted a pain on him that he will never be able to alleviate. And although Patriota is responsible for his own actions and there is no justification for his crimes, he remains a victim of Vought.

His weakness, exposed

Unfortunately for Patriota, it will be very difficult for him to get rid of the curse that Vought has cast upon him. And he will have to continue tirelessly looking for a source of affection that does not end up disappointing him.

Perhaps he leaves us with one more clue about the character in the way he behaves during that bloody scene in episode 4 of the season. The fact that he does not end up killing Barbara makes it clear that he still has the same insecurities, because she was the only one in the lab he always wanted to impress, and also the only scientist who never felt fear towards him. Or at least, did not show it. She is the closest thing he has had to a mother figure.

And although we are facing one of the most powerful characters in The Boys, we must not forget about this great weakness, which may end up being used against him.

'The Boys' is available on Amazon Prime Video.

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