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<h2 id="countryName"></h2>   <p id="countryInfoDetails"></p>   </div>   <div class="glassesIconsContainer">   <div id="wineAmount" class="glassesIcons"></div>   <div id="beerAmount" class="glassesIcons"></div>   <div id="spiritsAmount" class="glassesIcons"></div>   </div>   </div>       <div class="intro-screen">   <div class="intro-text">   <h1>Wine, Beer or Spirits?</h1>   <p>How much - and which - alcohol is drunk in the world during a week?</p>   <p>Move over countries to learn it, or use the buttons to show the top wine, beer and spirits drinkers or each country's favorite drink.</p>   <p><i>(Source: World Health Organization)</i></p>   <button>Cheers!</button>   </div>   </div>       <span class="spinner"></span>       <div class="navBar">       <button id="btn-wine" class="color-wine">Wine</button>   <button id="btn-beer" class="color-beer">Beer</button>   <button id="btn-spirits" class="color-spirits">Spirits</button>   <button id="btn-favorites">Favorite</button>       <div 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glass</a></li>   <li><a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pint_glass" target="_blank">Wikipedia: Pint glass</a></li>   <li><a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shot_glass" target="_blank">Wikipedia: Shot-measuring tools</a></li>   </ul>   </div>   </div>   </div>       <a href="https://github.com/zenoid/alcoholmap" target="blank" class="gitd-widget-item gitd-widget-github gitd-widget-icon"></a>       <a href="http://ghostinthedata.com" target="blank" class="gitd-widget-item gitd-widget-website gitd-widget-icon"></a>       </div>       </div>       <div class="hidden">       <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" id="wineGlassIcon" viewBox="25 20 50 80" width="50" height="80">   <path fill="#FFFFFF" d="M59.9 94.7c1.3 0.3 2.3 0.5 3.2 0.7c1.1 0.2 2 0.4 2.6 0.6c-1.2 0.8-5.7 2.1-13.8 2.3c-0.6 0-1.3 0-1.9 0h0 c-0.7 0-1.3 0-1.9 0c-8.1-0.2-12.6-1.5-13.8-2.3c0.6-0.1 1.5-0.3 2.6-0.6c0.8-0.2 1.9-0.4 3.2-0.7c6-1.3 8.6-5.5 8.7-14.6V58.1 c0-2.8-2.4-4.2-3.6-4.5C36 50.9 29.6 41.6 29.6 31.1c0-2.2 0.3-4.5 0.9-6.6c3.1 1.7 12.7 2.4 19.6 2.5c6.8 0 16.5-0.7 19.5-2.5 c0.6 2.1 0.9 4.4 0.9 6.6c0 10.5-6.4 19.8-15.6 22.4c-1.3 0.4-3.7 1.8-3.7 4.5V80C51.3 89.2 53.8 93.4 59.9 94.7z M50 21.4 c11.4 0 18.6 1.5 19.4 2.5c-1.9 1.1-8.9 2.4-19.4 2.4c-10.4 0-17.4-1.3-19.3-2.4C31.6 22.8 38.8 21.4 50 21.4z M72.1 31.1 c0-2.6 0-5.9-1.1-7.6c-2.2-3.4-19-3.8-21-3.8c-2 0-19 0.2-20.9 3.5c-0.1 0.1-0.1 0.2-0.1 0.3c-0.7 2.5-1.1 5-1.1 7.6 c0 11.3 6.9 21.2 16.8 24c0.7 0.2 2.4 1.1 2.4 2.9l0 22.1c-0.2 9.5-3 12-7.4 12.9c-1.3 0.3-2.3 0.5-3.2 0.7 c-3.6 0.7-4 0.8-4.2 1.7c0 4 13.1 4.5 15.7 4.5c0.6 0 1.3 0 2 0c0.7 0 1.3 0 2 0c2.6-0.1 15.7-0.6 15.7-4.3c0-0.1 0-0.2 0-0.3 c-0.2-0.8-0.7-0.9-4.2-1.6c-0.8-0.2-1.9-0.4-3.2-0.7c-4.5-1-7.2-3.5-7.4-13.1V58.1c0-1.8 1.7-2.7 2.4-2.9 C65.2 52.3 72.1 42.4 72.1 31.1z"/><defs><clipPath id="wineGlassIconShape"><path d="M69 31.4c-2.9-1.3-10.2-2.1-18.9-2.2c-8.9 0-16.5 1-19.2 2.3c0.8 11.3 9 20.1 19 20.1 C60 51.6 68.3 42.7 69 31.4z"/></clipPath></defs><rect id="wineGlassLevel" x="28.7" y="27" 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32.8c0.2 3.5 0.3 7.3 0.4 11.1c0 2.4 1.5 3 2.2 3.3 c4.4 1.8 10 2.8 16 2.8h0c6 0 11.6-1 16-2.8c0.6-0.3 2.1-0.9 2.1-3.2c0.1-4 0.2-7.7 0.4-11.1C69.4 67.4 71.2 58.5 73 50 c2.3-11.1 4.5-21.6 4.7-44.8V4.8c0-0.2 0-0.3-0.1-0.5C77.3 3.7 76.5 2.8 72.6 1.9z"/><defs><clipPath id="beerGlassIconShape"><path d="M50 16.1c-9.1 0-17-0.8-21.7-1.8c-0.6-0.1-1.2-0.3-1.7-0.4c-0.1 0-0.4-0.1-0.4 0.3v0.3 c-0.2 25.7 9.7 43.3 9.8 71.9c0.1 3.2-0.2 4.6 2 5.2c0.6 0.2 6.8 1.8 12 1.8c5.2 0 11.4-1.7 12-1.8c2.2-0.6 1.9-1.9 2-5.2 c0.1-28.6 9.9-46.2 9.8-71.9c0-0.1 0-0.2 0-0.3c0-0.3-0.3-0.3-0.4-0.3c-0.5 0.2-1.1 0.3-1.7 0.4C67 15.4 59 16.1 50 16.1z"/></clipPath></defs><rect id="beerGlassLevel" x="23.9" y="11.5" clip-path="url(#beerGlassIconShape)" fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" width="52.1" height="84" fill="#CC9900" />   </svg>       <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" id="spiritsGlassIcon" viewBox="32 58 36 42" width="36" height="42">   <path fill="#FFFFFF" d="M65.2 65l0 0.1c-1.8 1.9-5.1 3.7-15.1 3.7c-10 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