Miguel Escudero

Even before the start of 2025, the Social Security Administration (SSA, for its initials in English) announced a series of important changes and modifications regarding the services it offers to its beneficiaries.

In addition to revealing the application of the 2.5% adjustment in services for all its users, corresponding to inflation and COLA (Cost of Living), the SSA also made public a significant modification regarding its digital operation: the transfer of the portal.

Since the last quarter of 2024, the SSA mentioned that the data located on the My Social Security portal would be transferred to a second platform called Login.gov, with the intention of improving and optimizing the processes carried out through these types of servers.

Because of this, all beneficiaries were called upon to carry out the transfer of their data through a series of surveys, an action that has not been completed by all those involved, causing the Social Security to begin eliminating all outdated accounts.

How to transfer data to the new SSA portal?

To carry out this action, it is only necessary to enter the new SSA portal and follow the corresponding instructions by the institution itself. Regarding the required information, it is important to update various data such as:

  • Address changes

  • Bank account

  • Marital status

Similarly, it is important to take other actions to maintain the benefits of the program, such as:

  • Complying with the tax obligations associated with the benefits obtained

  • Staying informed of the announcements made by the SSA

The Social Security is currently the largest and most impactful financial assistance program in the country. According to data provided by the administration itself, there are over 70 beneficiaries nationwide, making it the institution with the highest number of users or enrollees.

To be part of this program, a person must have contributed capital to the program through their taxes during the years they were active in the labor market.

Currently, and thanks to the diversification of its services, the SSA offers a variety of supports or benefits for retirees, people with disabilities, families, among other population groups.

It is important to mention that based on the number of credits the user has accumulated through their contributions, they can access various services.

*This article has been automatically translated using artificial intelligence