From the early days of the start of the second term of Donald Trump as President of the United States, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has become one of the strongest institutions in the country in order to comply with the immigration policy of the American president.
Even before taking office on January 20, Trump publicly stated his intention to carry out a large number of actions to stop and deport all those individuals illegally in the country.
This has caused other governmental entities, through their own operations and strategies, to join ICE in the task of locating and detaining as many immigrants as possible.
How does ICE carry out its detention functions?
Until January 31st alone, ICE has managed to carry out more than 7,300 immigrant arrests, in addition to issuing more than 5,717 arrest warrants.
To achieve this, ICE has had the constant support of the Enforcement and Removal Operations Division (ERO), whose main objective is to identify and deport immigrants with serious criminal backgrounds in the United States.
In addition to ERO, ICE also has the backing of the Criminal Alien Division (CAD), which is responsible for designing a variety of strategies to enhance ICE's detention processes.
Which other governmental entities support ICE?
To achieve this, CAD makes use of the Criminal Alien Program and the 287(g), which help identify, administratively arrest, and remove foreigners with criminal records or who have evaded identification. In the case of the 287(g) program, this pair of tools also provide the opportunity to enhance the protection and safety of communities by building partnerships with state and local law enforcement agencies to identify and deport foreigners.
About the Target Operations Division, its main objective is to enforce immigration laws within U.S. territory, using various analysis technologies and information collection from other entities such as the Law Enforcement Support Center, the Pacific Police Response Center, and the National Criminal Analysis and Guidance Center.
Furthermore, ICE has the support of the Fugitive Operations Division, which coordinates the location and detention of immigrants through its 25 field offices and its 129 Fugitive Operations Teams, equipped with removal orders.
As a complement to all the above, the National Fugitive Operations Program is responsible for leading and supporting efforts to locate and arrest immigrants with pending deportation orders.
*This article has been automatically translated using artificial intelligence