
The detention of thousands of immigrants, by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), by executive order of the President of the United States Donald Trump, has raised dozens of questions about what measures should be taken to counteract such action or obtain some kind of solution. 

Although it may be thought that no clarifying measures can be taken after a detention, the ICE itself has made available to the population a couple of avenues to request a review of a migratory arrest and prevent deportation. 

What are the ways to request a review of an arrest safely

The ways to request a review of a detention or migratory arrest

According to the official ICE website, there is, in the first instance, a telephone line that provides specific information, as well as collects complaints regarding the detentions carried out by this institution. 

This means of communication, 1-888-351-4024, is completely free and is available from Monday to Friday from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM, except on holidays. 

Through this line, which has Spanish-speaking operators, individuals can take various actions such as: 

  • Consult legal doubts. 

  • Access basic information about arrest cases. 

  • Request data on victims of human trafficking or other crimes. 

  • Report physical or sexual abuse as well as problems in detention centers. 

  • Report cases of mental conditions in detainees. 

  • Consult information about the separation of minors and other dependents.

According to ICE, if you request a specific review of a particular arrest, you can also contact the local field office of the government agency. To carry out this action, you can seek a legal representative to assist in substantiating and initiating the process with the local office. 

This measure can also ensure that the review case proceeds legally and remains under observation at all times. 

If the request is not resolved promptly, and no resolution is provided by the local ICE office, you can also go through a process before the Senior Reviewing Officer (SRO). A resources officer will review such request as well as the previous response from ICE. 

To carry out this process, don't forget to have the following information: 

  • Name and surname of the arrested person

  • ID number

  • Date and country of birth 

  • Phone number

  • Email 

  • Type of procedural discretion requested 

  • Confirmation if a previous request was made to the local ICE office and the provided outcome 

  • Copies of the request sent to ICE and the response

Remember to clearly summarize the facts of the case to the SRO officer, detail the type of discretion requested, and only provide the necessary documentation with the circumstances of the case. Regarding response time, there is no exact timeframe due to the variety of factors to be studied. 

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