Por qué son tan peligrosos 'Los anillos de poder': cuántos hay en total y cuál es el efecto que producen al usarlos
Amazon Prime Video 'Los anillos de poder'

Why are 'The rings of power' so dangerous: how many are there in total and what is the effect they produce when used

The true protagonists of the series and Tolkien's fantasy universe will be used to distribute power throughout Middle-earth.

7 September, 2024 10:25

After a first batch of rather introductory episodes, The Rings of Power has introduced us to its characters, placing them in Middle-earth and preparing them for the arrival of a great threat whose strength and influence are unimaginable. At the end of season 1, we finally witnessed the forging of the jewels that give the series its name, and in this second installment we will see how they actually work. Under the influence of Halbrand, newly revealed as Sauron, the master smith Celebrimbor realizes the immense power that the mithril mineral possesses and how it could be enhanced by forging a unique jewel. In the first episodes, Galadriel proposes to forge three rings, since “one alone would corrupt its bearer, two would divide, and with three an equilibrium would be achieved,” but this will only be the beginning of the story, because according to J. R. R. Tolkien, up to twenty rings were created in the history of Middle-earth. Considering the importance they will have throughout the series and also within the fantasy universe, we review the origin of the three existing rings of power, how the rest of the rings that will be forged in the future will be distributed, and the power they exert on those who bear them.

The three elven rings

Screenshot from the final episode of 'The Rings of Power'.

Screenshot from the final episode of 'The Rings of Power'.

Throughout the first season of The Rings of Power, the mithril mineral has acquired great relevance and after discovering that it could be the only thing capable of saving the elves from their downfall, Elrond ended up taking it to Eregion. There, the elves used it to create three of the Rings of Power, with the sole purpose of healing the wounds that Morgoth was causing their people. However, it was Halbrand who helped to achieve the necessary knowledge to forge them, who would later reveal himself as Sauron and who has a very different purpose: to use these jewels to subdue and enslave all the inhabitants of Middle-earth. These rings bestow power upon their bearer according to their status and they are capable of creating, preserving, and healing. Additionally, it is said that due to their power, the environment where they were located became more pleasant and the place seemed to beautify. The first of these rings is Vilya, the Blue Ring and it is said that it could heal the wounds caused by evil in Middle-earth. Elrond will be the one to bear it. The second is Nenya, the Diamond Ring, which can preserve things without deteriorating. Its power is so immense that it can even act as protection against Sauron. The only one to bear it will be Galadriel. And the last of them is Narya, the Ring of Fire, which can ignite the hearts of those who perform heroic acts beyond their capabilities. In the series, we will see that its bearer will be Gil-galad, the king of the Noldo elves, although he will later find other bearers.

The rest of the Rings of Power

The One Ring in Peter Jackson's movies.

The One Ring in Peter Jackson's movies.

Although in the series only the first three Rings of Power have appeared, the truth is that this power was distributed far and wide across Middle-earth and those held by the elves are just some of them, because a total of up to twenty will be forged. The remaining rings will be distributed among the dwarves, who will have a total of seven; men and mortals, who will be granted nine; and the last of them will end up in the hands of the Dark Lord, who will be known as the One Ring. This last one will end up causing the most headaches for everyone.
'The Rings of Power' is available on Amazon Prime Video.

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