
La Jungla / Social

Viajan por todo el mundo recreando escenas de películas en Instagram

En la Jungla. Estas dos amigas han mezclado sus tres pasiones para regalarnos imágenes sorprendentes y pegarse unos viajes envidiables.

16 mayo, 2018 20:42

Si te gusta el cine y los viajes no sigas leyendo. O sí, vale, pero hazlo sabiendo que estas dos mujeres van a darte una envidia muy insana. Se dedican a recorrer el mundo siguiendo las localizaciones que se han usado en sus películas y series favoritas. Después le dan al clic y nos las regalan a través de su web y su cuenta de Instagram.

Las finlandesas Tiia Öhman y Satu Walden explican que comenzaron haciéndolo por hobby, como fanáticas el celuloide que son, pero tras años de aventuras y frikismo aglutinan un gran conocimiento sobre el turismo cinematográfico que les vale para asesorar a turistas y empresas. 

Ambas han acuñado el término sceneframing, disparando fotografías en el plano justo y en mitad del escenario elegido usando además una tablet o un móvil para introducir a los personajes en ellas, tal y como salían en el plano original. Todo un arte para pararse y disfrutar.

Advent Calendar, day 17: #StrangerThings Location: Stockbridge Senior High School, Stockbridge, GA ❄❄❄ One of the most iconic shots from the new season of Stranger Things was the guys in their Ghostbusters Halloween costumes in front of Hawkins Middle School. That and all the other scenes at the school were actually filmed at Stockbridge High School. It served as both Hawkins High School and Middle School, thanks to the sprawling campus. As a bonus, we’ve included another one of our Stranger Things sceneframes. This one’s from Bradley’s Piggly Wiggly Express in Palmetto and it’s where Eleven walks into the store, grabs an armful of Eggos and just walks out. We did some shopping of our own but unfortunately couldn’t pack any Eggos in our suitcases 😃 #sceneframing #travel #GeorgiaFilm #ExploreGeorgia #FQadvent2017

Una publicación compartida de Fangirl Quest 🎬 (@fangirlquest) el 17 Dic, 2017 a las 9:49 PST

Advent Calendar, day 19: #IntheNameoftheFather Location: St George’s Hall, Liverpool, UK ❄❄❄ When we were visiting St George’s Hall in Liverpool, we were prepared to frame scenes from Fantastic Beasts and Peaky Blinders. We had no idea though, that it was also a filming location for the harrowing movie In the Name of the Father. It tells the true story of four Irishmen wrongly imprisoned for an IRA bombing in the 70s. Most of the film was filmed in the eerie Kilmainham Gaol prison in Dublin, which is also definitely worth a visit. The courtroom scenes however, take place at St George’s Hall. Since we only found out about this at the location, we had to find the source photos on the go. Luckily we managed to dig up some screenshots online and even the scene on Youtube. Sometimes when sceneframing you have to get a little bit creative! #EmmaThompson #Liverpool #ItsLiverpool #sceneframing #travel #FQadvent2017

Una publicación compartida de Fangirl Quest 🎬 (@fangirlquest) el 19 Dic, 2017 a las 6:12 PST

Advent Calendar, day 20: #Nashville Location: Percy Warner Park Stairs, Nashville, TN ❄❄❄ Ever since we “discovered” country music on our first US roadtrip in 2014, we’ve been dreaming of going to Nashville. This year that dream finally came true! We only had a few days in Music City but fell madly in love. Much like Charles Kelley, we never wanted to leave Nashville! Of course we also had to visit a few locations from the city’s namesake TV show. This beautiful staircase serves as the entrance to Percy Warner Park and is indeed its most recognizable landmark. If you’re driving to the park, make sure to stop by the Bluebird Cafe on the way. Not only is it one of the show’s most important locations, it’s also a Nashville legend. #ConnieBritton #CharlesEsten #Nashville #MusicCity #NashvilleLove #sceneframing #travel #FQadvent2017

Una publicación compartida de Fangirl Quest 🎬 (@fangirlquest) el 20 Dic, 2017 a las 5:54 PST

... 🎬 Arrow 🗺 Burrard Pier, Vancouver, Canada 🏹 #Arrow #StephenAmell #OnlyinBC #Vancouver

Una publicación compartida de Fangirl Quest 🎬 (@fangirlquest) el 22 Abr, 2018 a las 2:01 PDT

Las amigas viajeras y cinéfilas cuentan con más de 21.000 seguidores en Instagram. "Ahora, cuando vemos una película o serie que nos gusta, siempre vemos cuándo y dónde se filmó. Tenemos una larga lista de lugares que nos encantaría visitar, como en Nueva Zelanda, España, Sudáfrica y muchos más", confiesan.