Digital Castilla

Digital Castilla


Elogios hacia una madre que enseña su impactante cuerpo horas después de dar a luz

2 octubre, 2017 19:55

Una mujer ha compartido a través de las redes sociales una imagen de ella tomada tan solo unas horas después de dar a luz a su hija Willa, asegurando que no está “avergonzada” de cómo se ve.

Elise Raquel, una australiana madre de tres hijos, ha explicado, en declaraciones que recoge Daily Mail, sobre el momento de la fotografía que era “una extraña sensación, mirar hacia abajo y todavía ver un bulto”, debido a que su pequeña bebé se encontraba en sus brazos. 

La motivación de la publicación de la foto comienza en sus partos previos, en los que asegura que sintió la necesidad de taparse. Ahora, Elise ha indicado que está orgullosa de su cuerpo, llegando a invitar a otras mujeres a repetir su acción después del embarazo. 
Muchos internautas han alabado la imagen, llegando a asegurar que su publicación es algo “hermoso” e “inspirador”. 

Elise escribió unas palabras acompañando a la foto: “¡Hablemos de los cuerpos en el postparto!”. Incluso comenta que ella misma era consciente de que en el momento de la foto estaba en su estado más vulnerable.

También ha descrito la presión que sentía sobre su peso una vez que dio a luz a su primer hijo, pensando que “se recuperaría” después del parto. Sin embargo la realidad es otra totalmente diferente, ya que con cada bebé “gané kilos y algunas estrías de más”.

“Estoy más que orgullosa de lo que este cuerpo ha dado. Estoy agradecida de que mi cuerpo sea capaz de llevar y dar a luz a los bebés de forma natural. No estoy avergonzada de mis (muchas) estrías y de mi cuerpo postparto”, ha asegurado una Elise que ha recibido cientos de comentarios positivos en la Red.


My post labour photo has been shared a few times on the internet this past week. And although I received a huge amount of support and had so many mothers share their own postpartum stories, I also saw many people question my decision to share such a personal photo publicly on the internet. So I thought I'd explain why. When I was pregnant with Peyton I really had no idea what post birth was really like, and you don't fully understand until you actually have a baby! I was one of the first of my friends to get pregnant, so I didn't have that support group to ask all those TMI questions about pregnancy and birth. My doctor was more concerned about setting a medically unnecessary induction date rather than explaining to me what post birth would be like! No one told me the reality of the fourth trimester. I had no idea you could still look so pregnant even after giving birth. Everyone told me I was young, I would bounce straight back, and I believed them. Just like many women do, I too used to look up to the media, celebrities who would show off their supermodel like post baby bodies just weeks after giving birth! I thought thats how it would be for me too. So when I went home from hospital four days after giving birth, still looking six months pregnant, I thought I must have done something wrong. How come I didn't look like they did post baby? How come I didn't bounce back straight away like everyone said I would? How come it took me a year to fit back into my pre baby jeans? Well, because for many women, and for me, this post baby picture that was painted in my head just wasn't realistic! There's so much pressure from society and from ourselves to look a certain way post baby, but for many that's not the case, and that's ok! I posted that photo because I wish someone had posted a photo just like mine when I was pregnant. I wish that someone had told me what realistically might happen to my body and to my mind. The fourth trimester is such a taboo topic. I want other mums also walking in my shoes to know that they're not alone. That whatever their postpartum journey may be, it's ok, it's normal and it should always be priaised! I did it for me, for you and for her!

Una publicación compartida de Formerly eliseraquel (@raisingyoungloves) el