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American psychiatrist reveals the causes why some adults refuse to shower

This action is usually carried out by people who suffer from depression.

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Despite how logical and everyday the action of taking a bath may be for everyone, the truth is that there is a diversity of adults who refuse or feel disgust to engage in this activity for psychological reasons that go beyond a simple preference or attitude.

According to Lindsay Standeven, a psychiatrist at Johns Hopkins Medicine, the refusal to bathe is a common behavior in people who suffer from depression.

In an interview given to The New York Times, the expert points out that difficulties in maintaining personal hygiene are often related, in this group of people, to an action that can cause extreme fatigue. According to Standeven, the lack of energy can become insurmountable when it comes to taking a bath.

What other reasons might lead a person to not want to bathe?

According to the expert, lack of hygiene in people with depression can generate shame, resulting in a cycle of low self-esteem and depressive symptoms.

Likewise, the refusal to bathe can also be related to the perception that this activity represents a waste of time. This attitude originates from the idea that personal hygiene is not a priority within their daily routine.

In addition, those going through periods of stress or exhaustion often consider bathing as an additional non-essential task compared to other work or personal responsibilities. According to the specialist, there are even people who, not perceiving their body as particularly dirty, postpone this action until they consider it essential.

Psychologist Borja Quicios points out that the refusal to bathe can also be related to a previous bad experience, such as a fall or a traumatic accident during childhood or adolescence.

Ablutophobia: fear of bathing

In addition to the mentioned factors, the rejection of bathing can also have its origin in ablutophobia. According to various studies, this disorder refers to an intense and irrational fear of bathing or any activity related to personal hygiene.

In children, this condition usually manifests between the ages of 7 and 11, which can be confused with simple reactions of childish rebellion. In adults, ablutophobia can have more serious consequences, affecting health, social life, and work performance.

Regarding its origin, this phobia can stem from traumatic experiences in the past or observing this aversion in family figures during childhood. Thus, seeking appropriate treatment is recommended to minimize its impact on the daily life of those who suffer from it.

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