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American expert reveals the importance of this food in strengthening bones

Although dairy products are commonly associated with strengthening bones, experts ensure that another food can be an equally effective alternative. 

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The bone health is essential for overall well-being, so keeping bones strong and healthy is a priority for many people. Although dairy products are usually the most recommended foods to strengthen bones because of their high calcium content, an American expert has highlighted a surprising alternative that is gaining more attention: sesame seeds.

This small seed, also known as sesame, turns out to be an excellent source of calcium and other essential nutrients that promote bone health.

The nutrition expert and bone health, Dr. Michael Greger, has revealed, through the NutritionFacts portal, that sesame seeds can be as effective as dairy products in strengthening bones, making it an ideal alternative, especially for those following dairy-free or vegan diets.

According to Greger, sesame not only provides calcium but also other essential minerals that complement its action, helping to maintain bone density and prevent diseases such as osteoporosis.

The role of calcium and other nutrients in bone health

Calcium is one of the most important minerals for the human body, as it actively participates in the formation and maintenance of strong bones and teeth. Additionally, it helps prevent bone diseases such as osteoporosis, which affects millions of people worldwide. While dairy products are a popular source of calcium, many people are unaware that there are alternatives with a similar or even higher content.

Sesame seeds are an impressive source of calcium and, when consumed regularly, can provide almost the same amount of this mineral as a serving of dairy products. In addition to calcium, sesame contains other key minerals, such as phosphorus, magnesium, and zinc, which work together to promote good bone health.

Phosphorus, for example, combines with calcium to ensure that bones maintain their proper structure, while magnesium facilitates the activation of vitamin D, thus improving calcium absorption in the body.

Additional benefits of sesame: antioxidants and phytoestrogens

Sesame is not only rich in calcium and essential minerals, but also provides powerful antioxidants, such as sesamin and tocopherol. These compounds help reduce oxidative stress in bone cells, which can delay natural bone degeneration and improve long-term bone health.

Additionally, sesame contains phytoestrogens, compounds that mimic the effects of estrogen in the body, which can be especially beneficial for people in menopause or older age.

How to include sesame in your daily diet

Incorporating sesame seeds into daily nutrition is very easy, and there are various ways to enjoy their benefits. Here are some ideas:

  • Toasted as a topping: Sprinkle toasted sesame seeds over salads, soups, or rice to add a crunchy and nutritious touch.
  • In smoothies: Add a tablespoon of raw or toasted sesame to your fruit or vegetable smoothies.
  • In baking: Incorporate sesame seeds into bread, cookies, or cakes, or use them as decoration before baking.
  • Tahini: Prepare or buy tahini, a sesame paste ideal for spreading or as a base for hummus or dressings.
  • Sprinkled over fruits and yogurt: Add sesame to natural yogurt or fresh fruits to increase the nutrient content.
  • Asian recipes: Use it in dishes like sushi, noodles, or in Asian-style stir-fries.
  • Energy bars: Add sesame seeds to mixtures of nuts to make homemade bars or healthy snacks.

Sesame seeds are not only an excellent source of calcium, but also offer other essential minerals, antioxidants, and phytoestrogens that contribute to bone health. Incorporating them into the daily diet is simple and can bring great benefits to maintaining strong bones and preventing diseases like osteoporosis.

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