El lago que se convierte en tinta: el extraño fenómeno natural de Estados Unidos que desconcierta a los expertos
Estados Unidos

The lake that turns into ink: the strange natural phenomenon in the United States that baffles experts

Surprises by its transformation into a dark sea of acid and heavy metals. 

Leer en español:El lago que se convierte en tinta: el extraño fenómeno natural de Estados Unidos que desconcierta a los expertos


In Butte, Montana, there is a body of water that has generated astonishment and alarm among scientists and environmentalists: Lake Berkeley. This place, a result of an ancient open-pit copper mine, has become one of the most dangerous bodies of water on the planet due to its extreme chemical composition. The peculiarity of this phenomenon lies in the fact that the water takes on intense tones. 

The history of this swamp dates back to the time when mining activity was the region's economic engine. After decades of exploitation, the mine was abandoned, leaving behind rusty structures and toxic waste. Over time, the quarry pit filled with water, but instead of becoming a vibrant ecosystem, it began to transform due to the presence of chemical substances derived from the copper extraction process.

Experts in environmental chemistry and geology have studied the phenomenon and have indicated that the water's acidity, combined with the concentration of toxic elements, is the main cause of the color change. The natural oxidation process and the interaction between mineral residues and water have led to a transformation that, at first sight, is almost surreal.

The dark shades of the lake contrast with Montana's typical landscapes, an image reminiscent of a science fiction scenario or an abstract canvas painted by nature. The lake's situation has drawn international attention, making it a case study for researchers seeking to understand the long-term effects of mining pollution.

The lack of life in the lake, where no fish or plants manage to survive, evidences the devastating impact that human activity can have on the environment. Local and federal authorities have initiated investigations to assess possible mitigation measures, although the technical and economic challenges to reverse the situation are considerable.

The transformation of this former mining site into a toxic body of water serves as a reminder of the risks associated with exploiting natural resources without proper control. This landscape, both unsettling and fascinating, continues to be the subject of analysis and debate, as experts from various disciplines try to unravel the secrets of an environment that resembles an ink blot in the midst of the mountainous desert.