Green Card 2025: These are the people who have priority to obtain said document in the United States
In obtaining the so-called Green Card, there are several population groups that have a higher preference due to their connection with American citizens.
More information: These are the special immigrants who will be able to apply for the Green Card in 2025: details and process
The tightening of immigration laws in the United States has not prevented thousands of immigrant individuals from continuing to seek ways to legally remain in the North American country through the so-called Green Card.
This document, also known as the Permanent Resident Card, allows foreigners to live and work permanently in the United States. To obtain this "certification," it is necessary to carry out a series of procedures and processes as well as submit the required documentation.
However, even though there is a long waiting list of people who wish to obtain the Green Card, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS for short), has established a list of individuals who have priority to go through this process due to their relationship with American citizens or legal permanent residents.
Individuals with priority for obtaining the Green Card
According to what is stipulated by USCIS, there are various groups of people who have priority to apply for and obtain the Green Card based on a variety of categories:
First preference (F1): daughters and sons of American citizens who are 21 years old or younger and are single.
Second preference (F2A): daughters or sons as well as spouses of legal permanent residents. Like the previous point, children must be under 21 years old and have a single marital status.
Second preference (F2B): daughters and sons, 21 years old or younger, of legal permanent residents.
Third preference (F3): married daughters or sons of American citizens.
Fourth preference (F4): sisters and brothers of American citizens in the case that this person is 21 years old or older.
In addition to the above, the USCIS also takes into consideration other aspects when applying for this document such as employment verification or if the applicant falls under the special immigrant category due to potential abuses or other types of crimes against the person.
The above does not mean that the applicant can obtain this document guaranteed. Being part of any of these groups will only help reduce processing time and provide greater opportunities to be eligible for this document.
To continue with the process, it will be necessary to submit the following documents and requirements in case the applicant is within the United States:
Submit Form I-495
Have been inspected and admitted with prior entry permission into the country
Reside in the United States
On the contrary, if the process is being carried out outside of the United States, it will be necessary to go through a consular process, which consists of applying for an immigrant visa at a Department of State consulate abroad.
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