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Estados Unidos

What is the Trusted Traveler Program and how can it facilitate entry and exit to the United States?

This program is intended to streamline review protocols for low-risk travelers in the United States.

Read in english: What is the Trusted Traveler Program and how can it facilitate entry and exit to the United States?


Entering and leaving the United States continually can seem like a complicated process to carry out due to the tightening of a large number of immigration laws at airports, land borders, and other arrival and departure sites. 

However, amidst the anti-immigration policies that President Donald Trump is implementing, the United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP) hosts a program focused on expediting these types of transfers and guaranteeing security at these sites at the same time: Trusted Traveler Program (TTP). 

According to CBP, this strategy is focused on facilitating travel and legal trade, allowing pre-approved travelers categorized as "low risk" to bypass entry inspection lines and expedite their entry into the American country.  

As revealed by TTP Director Michael Millich to CBP's own portal, this program is a joint effort to better serve the public and enhance transparency. Due to this, and according to Millich, the increased demand for this "benefit" has prompted CBP to open an extraordinary period for more people to join the program. 

"CBP is at a turning point where we must provide consistent, efficient, and accessible processing methods for applicants to select an appropriate enrollment option," revealed the TTP Director.

Process for TTP: dates and requirements 

According to information released by CBP, every Monday of each month, at 9:00 a.m. (ET), the agency will release slots for interested parties to request an interview

According to Millich, this will allow a coordinated release of appointments in order to continue "being accountable to the traveling public". It is important to mention that this program is only available at 65 airports in the United States, so the agency has intensified its efforts to instruct people on how to apply for this "permit". 

This program also aims to provide a modified assessment for its members, as well as enhance security and facilitate legitimate trade and travel. To access it, the following requirements are necessary: 

  • Present documents proving identity 

  • Pay the enrollment fee

  • Undergo an interview 

If approved, TTP is valid for 5 years. 

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