I am a psychologist and these are the 10 things that really happy people in the United States do every day
The expert Jessica Weiss has studied for over 15 years "happiness" through her patients.
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Talking about what makes us happy can become an extremely subjective topic. And it is that, given the infinite diversity of life situations, there are a thousand and one ways in which people are happy or seek happiness.
However, if we were to establish a parameter about the things that make people "truly" happy, psychologist Jessica Weiss can give us some clues.
According to the also speaker and executive coach, in an interview for CNBC, her over 15 years of work in the field of happiness have helped her distinguish and detect a series of actions that people, self-professed happy, constantly carry out to increase this feeling.
The 10 things that really happy people do
Engage in creative activities
According to Weiss, people who dedicate time to creative activities such as cooking, writing, painting, among many others, show truly significant levels of happiness.
Intelligently rest
The exhaustion generated by the diversity of work, school, or household tasks always leads us to a series of solutions: sleeping, lying in bed, or taking the phone and spending hours on social networks. However, the American psychologist reveals that the best way to rest intelligently is to carry out focused and beneficial activities, such as exercising when mentally tired or doing something creative after a long day of analytical work.
Manage energy
Happy people, according to Weiss, know and recognize their ups and downs, so they seek to structure their workdays so that they flow with their biology rather than forcing themselves to perform tasks when they know they will not perform at their best.
Set boundaries
Knowing how to put a stop to work activities is one of the most important actions in truly happy people. According to Jessica, taking between 2 and 5 hours of free time is essential to achieve maximum happiness.
Cultivate community
Navigating through complicated or high-demand situations is part of the daily life of many people. Therefore, it is extremely important to seek one or more trusted individuals who help find a purpose or an escape route instead of isolating oneself.
Prioritize friendships
Similar to the above, Weiss points out that truly happy people cultivate their friendships through activities that allow them to have fun and bond, instead of just "catching up".
Actively seek happiness
Actively seeking the things, people, or situations that make us happy is an action that these types of people carry out on a daily basis. The enthusiasm to obtain such satisfaction is an incentive to go beyond the normality or passivity of the majority.
Savor the little things in life
Staying one more minute in the sun, fully enjoying a special meal, or playing with a pet for a moment longer are small actions that truly happy people carry out to train their brains and show them that joy is experienced deeply.
Embrace special moments
According to Weiss, who in turn refers to various studies, random situations like talking to a stranger can considerably help improve mood.
Seek significant progress
Celebrating the little things, however insignificant they may seem to others, can become a boost to continue achieving new challenges and reaching the final goal of each life project.
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